The Your Phone app is a neat little project that Microsoft has been working on for some time now. It has been updated frequently and enriched with a host of cool new features.

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One new feature that Microsoft has been working on is the ability to make actual phone calls from the Your Phone app.

After some hands-on experience, we’ve compiled a guide as to how you can use the Phone Calls feature efficiently

How can I make phone calls with the Your Phone app?

  • Launch the Your Phone app
  • Pair your Android smartphone to Windows 10 via Bluetooth
  • Click on Calls on the right side of the menu
  • Click on the dial pad to form a phone number
  • Press the green button to make the call

Additionally, you can look up your contacts using the Search Bar, or by looking them up in the Recent Calls list.

One interesting feature is that the phone and the PC don’t need to be on the same Wi-Fi network in order to work. Thanks to this, you can keep your Android phone on its independent 4G network, disconnected from the Wi-Fi, and the calls from your PC will still work.

Also, since the PC and the Android phone will be linked via Bluetooth, the call will be made instantly. This handy feature has been a long time coming, especially for an app that calls itself Your Phone.

The limits of the Calls feature

The only limitation to this feature is that since the two devices are paired via Bluetooth, the app’s usefulness is limited by the Bluetooth range. This greatly reduces the number of things you can use this new feature for in real-life applications.

More so, Microsoft has been struggling to make the Your Phone app more stable for public use. This can be easily seen from the number of issues reported by users.

Regardless of which, the Calls feature can be viewed as an experiment to test out the compatibility between devices, and how they can be applied. Whether it is a success or not, only customer feedback will tell.

Do you think that making calls via the Your Phone app is a great improvement? Let us know in the comments section below.


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