Telegram is a cross-platform instant messaging service available for Android, iOS, and Windows. This is a cloud-based messaging app thatis best known for its privacy policies. But despite the attraction it gets from the users for its features, the app is under malware attack. In recent days, cybercriminals have been eyeing social platforms to reach multiple users at the same time.  Let’s find out how Telegram is under threat after the crypto wallet malware creptinto many users’ devices. Also, learn more about the latest news about the fake Telegram application for desktop creating havoc among Windows users.

Blog Summary – Cybercriminals target Telegram users with crypto wallet malware. Another attack confirms a lethal malware with the fake Telegram desktop app. Read more in detail about how to keep yourself safe from malware.

Crypto wallet Echelon malware on Telegram –

The recent surge in the cybercrimes in the particular sector of crypto currency is seen on Telegram as well. It was reported recently by SafeGuard Cyber’s D7 Threat Intelligence team that the thematic attack on the crypto chat is going on in the Telegram messaging service. This has been found as the malware named Echelon is being downloaded on several devices. The worst part about this is the default auto-download feature of Telegramwhich has played a significant role in the process of spreading the malware quickly. 

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This crypto wallet malware is capable of stealing personal data, credentials and poses a serious threat to your privacy by entering the devices. You can see that the cryptocurrencies have garnered potential investors in lieu of profit. And, this is one of the reasons for the malicious elements to work in this sector to plan their attacks. 

The malicious file is named Smokes night and has been downloaded on the devices of unsuspecting users with the Auto-Download feature enabled. It is then capable of accessing your device and acquiring personal information. This is potentially harmful malware as it can easily take screenshots and credentials from your cryptocurrency wallets. 

But, sadly this is not the only one to be affected. But other platforms such as reports from Discord, Edge, OpenVPN, Outlook, and more wallets such as Zcash, Monero, LitecoinCore, Jaxx, etc are also under threat. 

Let’s learn how to avoid it

Mostly the targets are unsuspecting new users of the Telegram application who joined in the cryptocurrency discussions. So make sure you follow certain things –

  • Do not add into the unknown groups, do your needful research.
  • With the immediate effect, disable the Auto-download feature on the Telegram application.
  • Adhere from downloading anything from a third-party link.
  • Do not indulge in personal chats with unknown users.
  • Never share any personal details such as email address, keys, passwords with others.
  • Beware of frauds posing as admins and officials.
  • Download antivirus software on your devices to warn and save you from such threats.

We recommend using Systweak Antivirus for Windows PC. Use it to get real-time protection from threats such as malicious web pages and downloads. This Windows application warns the users to keep them safe from malicious content. It is available for Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 SP1+ and can be downloaded from the download button given below. 

Read more about the award -winning Systweak Antivirus here

Also Read this – WhatsApp, Signal, And Telegram Users, Here Are A Few Security Settings Changes You Must Make.

Yet Another Threat With Fake Telegram App

While Telegram users are made aware of this crypto wallet malware, another problem cropped up. Despite it not being on Telegram directly this is linked to the name of the application. At this time a fake Telegram desktop app has planted dangerous malware on the computers. This is recently reported by Minerva Labs. The elite cyber security firm has warned the users to keep a watchful eye on the fake Telegram desktop application spreading the Windows-based malware. The malware named Purple fox has been deemed as a hazard for the users as it goes undiscovered by the antivirus software. 

With this being said, it can impose a great security threat on Windows users.  Severalthreat actors have been spreading the malware with the fake Telegram app links. It has been reportedly working on the same rootkit used for the Purple Fox malware. Some of them have been sent as links on the emails while others are found on phishing websites as stated by the researcher Natalie Zargarov. 

This is a smart move used by the malicious elements to jump the detection from the antivirus software. The antivirus is not able to detect the files as they do not pose a threat separately. Purple Fox was first found in 2018 and deemed as stealthy malware. They have also been seen to be attached to the legit software and pose issues for the devices. 

So, be cautious of the links you click online or what is being downloaded on your devices. Being careful and a little bit extra aware of the device files and processes running on it is the only way to get out the clutches of these malware attacks. 

Final words –

Telegram has faced two major malware attacks in the past two weeks. People using Telegram are now getting concerned about their safety. Safety was the reason a lot of users moved to Telegram from WhatsApp as WhatsApp changed their privacy policy but what now? Is it time to switch from Telegram to another messaging service? Does this mean that instant messaging and other social networking services are incapable of protecting user data? Let us know what you think about it.

We love to hear from you!

We hope this article will help you learn about the crypto wallet malware found on Telegram. We would like to know your views on this post to make it more useful. Your suggestions and comments are welcome in the comment section below. Share the information with your friends and others by sharing the article on social media. Do you use Telegram messaging service? If yes, you should be aware of the threats it’s currently facing. Even if you are not using it, then make others aware by sharing this article.

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