Blue Screen of Death aka BSOD is a stop error which comes on Windows 7 screen indicating a fatal system error or system crash. This error is usually due to hardware or driver failure. Whenever there is a fatal system error, system displays a certain code on screen to depict the reason for the crash.

Let’s find out various ways to troubleshoot and identify the issue behind this occurrence.

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Troubleshooting –

  • BSOD may have occurred due to recent changes in the system. So, if there were any changes made like in hardware, drivers or installed Windows updates, check for it. If this is the issue, restart the system at Last Known Good Configuration to undo the latest registry and driver changes. To do this, follow the steps –
  • Start your system and press F8.
  • This will load the system in Advanced Boot Options.
  • Use arrow keys to toggle the cursor to Last Known Good Configuration(advanced)
  • Wait till the start screen comes up and log in to your computer.
  • Check if the issue persists.
  • Try restoring the system to a point, where you think, it was working fine. To restore, follow the steps-
  • Click on the Start button on the Taskbar.
  • Type System Restore in the Search box and hit Enter.
  • Click on Next and follow the instructions given to restore.
  • Not having enough memory on your primary partition (C Drive.) can also result into BSOD. Microsoft recommends that a user should keep 100MB free on primary partition to stay away from configuration issues on the computer.
  • Your system might have a virus, which is resulting into the system crash. There are some of the viruses which affect MBR (Master Boot Record). Keep your Anti-Virus program up to date to avoid these issues.
  • Check for pending Windows updates on your system as Microsoft releases patches to remove incompatibility issues every now and then, it could also fix BSOD.
  • Check if there is any driver update pending and if available, please update them as BSOD mostly occurs due to driver’s incompatibility.
  • Check Application and Event Viewer to know the reason of the BSOD error.
  • If the issue persists, reset the hardware settings in Device Manager to default.
  • You can check for the new hardware installed, check if all the wires on CPU are tightly connected.
  • If the issue is not detected and not resolved by any of the above means, reinstalling Windows can help. A clean install will remove all the system errors and hopefully fix the problem.
  • If none of these steps resolve your issue, then the faulty hardware might be the reason, you need to take it to a local technician to replace the faulty part and this will fix blue screen death error in windows.

So this was how to fix blue error screen in windows 7 and other versions. Your computer is a machine and it is prone to issues like BSOD as there might be updates released for your driver which doesn’t fit or simply the hardware might have worn out. Moreover, your system might stop working apparently for no reason. So, don’t panic, follow these steps and let us know, which one works for you.

  • Start your system and press F8.

  • This will load the system in Advanced Boot Options.

  • Use arrow keys to toggle the cursor to Last Known Good Configuration(advanced)

  • Click on the Start button on the Taskbar.

  • Type System Restore in the Search box and hit Enter.

  • Click on Next and follow the instructions given to restore.

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